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New Formats for Beyond Today TV

June 30, 2010

New Presentation Formats Coming to Beyond Today Television

An invigorating all-day Beyond Today production meeting took place on Tuesday, June 29, at the home office. During what turned into an encouraging and motivating brainstorming session, members of the production team* discussed ideas for and implementation of a new presentation format for upcoming television programs.

While the current format for our 28½-minute programs concentrate on a topic presented by a single host, future presentations will employ a “magazine style” format, similar to what is used on the CBS “60-minutes” and ABC “20-20” programs. In each new program, the airtime will be divided into three eight-minute segments which will cover different aspects of a particular theme. Each segment will be hosted by a different Beyond Today presenter (Darris McNeely, Steve Myers and Gary Petty).

The new presentation format will include a significant increase in the use of news and feature video footage, interviews with prominent officials and authors, “man-on-the-street” interviews, on-location videotaping and much more. Additionally, the eight-minute segments will be designed so they can “stand-alone,” therefore making them also available and easily viewable for our Beyond Today Web site visitors.

Steve Myers, John LaBissoniere, Peter Eddington

While every new Beyond Today may not incorporate all aspects, plans are to make these changes whenever the topic warrants or allows for it. From time to time our viewers may occasionally see our more traditional format too.

Programs employing the new format will be recorded and produced between now and December 2010 (to be aired between September 2010 and February 2011). These programs include,

Clint Porter, Rudy Rangel, Tom Disher

Vampires/Halloween, The Day After Christmas, Am I Going to Hell?, Combating Atheism, Will Israel Survive?, Can You Believe Bible Prophecy?, The Moment After You Die, What Did Jesus Look Like? What Is My Horoscope? How to Study the Bible, Effective Relationships, Responding to Suffering, Where Does Your Security Lie? and Fear and Anxiety.

Steve Myers recording in front of a "green" screen

The first newly formatted program, “Will Jesus Return Tomorrow,” was recorded today and will be aired for the first time in September.

Finally, don’t forget that beginning on July 11, Beyond Today will begin airing on superstation WGN America (at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time, 7:30 a.m. Central, 6:30 a.m. Mountain and 5:30 a.m. Pacific) every Sunday, reaching a potential audience of 75 million U.S. households. You can find a WGN America channel in your area by entering your zip code at this Web site.

Please pray for our new television initiatives. Your prayerful support, concern and encouragement are very much needed and appreciated.

John LaBissoniere—Beyond Today Time Buying Manager

* Beyond Today production teams members who participated in the meeting included Peter Eddington, Jamie Schreiber, Jeremy Lallier, Darris McNeely, Clint Porter, Rudy Rangel, Tom Disher, Aaron Booth, Steve Myers, Gary Petty and John LaBissoniere.

June 30, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 7 Comments