Inside United: Realtime

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New Secretary of UCGIA Appointed

June 2, 2010

The reconfirmation of the Secretary was an item of business during our May meeting. I quote from the agenda item below:

“Affirmation of the Secretary: By Law 9.1 requires the officers of the Corporation to be regularly confirmed in their positions, as per the following extract from the Bylaw: ‘At the regularly scheduled Council meeting just prior to the anniversary of each third year of service for each officer, the Council must reaffirm, with at least a simple majority, the continuance of each officer on an individual basis.’ The secretary was due to be confirmed in his position at the February Council meeting but that action was overlooked. Council will consider reaffirmation during the May meeting.”

Dave Johnson was not reconfirmed at that time. Mr. Johnson mentioned to the Council that while he was willing to continue serving, he had experienced a certain level of frustration concerning not being able to devote more time to teaching. His first love is teaching, and he thoroughly enjoys teaching at ABC. He indicated that he would not be disappointed to devote more time to instruction.

Following the Council’s decision, Mr. Johnson mentioned to me privately that he thought that Gerald Seelig might be willing to do the job and certainly would be qualified to do so. During a teleconference Tuesday night, June 1, Mr. Seelig was confirmed as the new secretary of the corporation.

I have waited to make the announcement concerning Dave Johnson until the Council could select a replacement. We deeply appreciate the job that he has done as secretary. He handled himself in a very professional manner, was very knowledgeable of our governing documents and responsive to Council members’ requests for information.

Roy Holladay

Chairman, Council of Elders

June 2, 2010 Posted by | Council of Elders, General Conference of Elders | | Leave a comment